Last Updated on January 8, 2004 by Paulette Brown-Hinds

Manchester, NH

Recently at a “Women for Clark” event in Manchester, women from across New Hampshire came together to show their support for General Wes Clark.

“I’ve been impressed with General Clark’s passion for taking care of the families for whom he was responsible in the military,” said State Rep. Marjorie Smith. “He sees them not just as soldiers, but as people who are part of families – families who need health care, education and quality housing.”

Clark is committed to helping America’s hardest-pressed families, especially the 20 percent of all households in New Hampshire that are headed by women. Clark’s health care plan provides universal access to affordable insurance for all Americans, and coverage for every single American child.

Clark has also pledged to provide universal pre-school and to help an additional one million Americans enroll in college. And he will raise the minimum wage to $7 an hour by 2007.

Clark is also pro-choice. “Wes Clark understands that it’s just not right for the government to be involved in such a personal, private decision,” said Mary Rauh, former President of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and past board member of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “I know that he’ll always stand up for women’s right to choose.”

In addition, Clark has always been a staunch advocate for women in the workplace.

Throughout his 34 years in the United States military, he worked hard to recruit women and make sure they had every opportunity to move up the ranks. And he has pledged to fully enforce laws prohibiting employment discrimination.

Finally, Clark has a comprehensive plan to win the war in Iraq. “As the mother of a young soldier headed for the Middle East, I believe we need General Clark’s wisdom, skills and experience as a diplomat and negotiator,” said Eleanor Kjellman, Secretary of the Merrimack County Democratic Committee and recent board member of the New Hampshire Women’s Lobby.

“General Clark has always earned the trust and loyalty of his troops because he truly cares about them and looks out for their welfare. I’m confident that he’s going to clean up the mess in Iraq, and bring our troops home with honor.”

Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton of Wisconsin and Dr. Mary Frances Berry, Chair of the United States Commission on Civil Rights and Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania, also spoke in support of Clark at the event.