Last Updated on July 1, 2015 by Paulette Brown-Hinds

Joseph A. Bailey, II, M.D.Meaningful ideas of what it is for Hu-Mans’ (hummus, earth + man) to be made in God’s Image come from Metaphorical concepts (since actual images of God are impossible). Ancient Africans said God’s visible Spirit is manifested as the Cosmos or Nature. Also, God’s Consciousness (the God-Head or Cosmic Mind)–is God’s Immaterial nature, perceivable only by humans’ Divine Consciousness–the foundational principle upon which Very Ancient Africans connected concepts about Yoga, the human mind (and its consciousness, subconscious, and unconscious aspects), the body, and ones spirit. The ‘Roots’ gathered for “yoking” humans to God’s Consciousness were: the invention of agriculture + its plow (c20,000 BC) + the two oxen plowing together as a unit and fastened (i.e. “yoked”) by a wooden frame + Egyptians’ devised (c10,000 BC) Spiritual path practices to the heaven afterlife. One human “yoking” requirement was/is for ones mental activities to be halted in order for one to experience “Oneness” with God. “Yoking” occurs because God’s Consciousness is Immaterial and thus indivisible–implying ones Divine Consciousness experiences are identical experiences of God’s Consciousness. Although this linkage is by ones Soul being a Spark of God, its proportions are like a drop of ocean water compared to the ocean. Furthermore, by existing between the realms of heaven and earth, humans are composed of Spirit and Matter–and both are equilibrated into the human newborn. That newborn’s Selfhood is composed of two fundamental aspects. One is the “Self”—i.e. pure Divine Consciousness and Will. By the “Self” being devoid of Energy and Matter, it never comes into the world per se but rather projects itself into its human’s mind, as the light of a movie projector on to the screen. The other aspect, ones Spirit (divided into 7 subdivisions), is the active Energy and Matter that provides the substance for various forms (e.g. ‘Spirit,’ Mind, Soul, Life-Force) and forces to manifest as entities in the world.

The “heaven” part which makes a human a Spiritual Being refers to what gives humans the ability to know, to achieve life’s Missions, and to thrive with happiness. As long as one has a “ME/WE” (lift others while climbing) approach to life, these 3 are essentially unlimited—with ones Spiritual Entourage instantly manifesting guidance, filters, measures, and standards as needed, like Instincts expressing the will of God. Meanwhile, the “Earth” or Matter part is governed, starting at birth, by the human’s two animal brains—the Ancient (“fight-flight-fright”) and the Old Mammalian (emotional). Its programmed information enables one to handle personal survival needs and social organization. But these forces are inadequate to guide one into reality’s intricate “heaven” realm, as volitional Ma’at Intellects (of the Neocortex) are designed to do. This transformation assumes ones mind is filled with Knowledge of Self and as long as one continues in the Spiritual Elements flow, one automatically expresses Spiritual Human Ideal features (i.e. not Perfect Ideals) of “Manhood”.

Sages agreed upon the ‘big picture’ of Real Self “Manhood” as displaying eternal uprightness so that the necessary consequences head toward grand possibilities of social harmony, order, and well-being throughout ones life’s course. It spotlights men with strong minds who see things, whether good or bad, as they really are; have great, gentle “Hearts”; and have ready, willing, able and steady hands. They do not lust for office or fame or status or riches or conquests—are those whom the spoils of office cannot buy—those who love with compassion, have good manners, are honorable, and can be completely trusted; those who help make opportunities for others—who leave things better than when they were found—those who exhibit self-discipline, self-control, justice, and respect for every human, treating women and all races as complementary equals. Good men avoid associating with Bad people (i.e. those against the Spiritual Elements). Nevertheless, each human’s possession of a Selfhood Base of Unconditional Love gives that human the Free Will to choose alternate or opposite ways to proceed through life. What is thereby substituted is a False Self and a loss of what is internally consistent, permanent, stationary, and unchanging. Hence, whoever one thinks one is (Real or False Self) determines how one will think; how one will use ones imagination, creativity, and act–all are ingredients of ones Fate! [Ref: (Amen, Metu Neter VII:45)